Welcome to the VCE exam question database! (at least for methods multiple choice at the moment).

Use this tool to filter for questions you want to focus on. You can search for questions by topic, order by difficulty, and do other nice things which I’ll let you explore. You also have a link to the solution to each question right away. These are linked to specific timestamps in my exam solution YouTube videos, or the VCAA report if I haven’t made a video on it yet. Below is a video on how to use this database.


When you open the page, not all the question may load (since there’s so many!) so try refreshing or waiting for a bit before actually doing any sorting or filtering. The difficulty of multiple-choice questions is measured by the percentage of students getting the correct answer. This only serves as a rough indicator. The formula used is difficulty = 100 - %correct

This is an ongoing project which I plan to expand and develop over the coming months/years. I am currently working on spesh and further questions databases, so these will most likely be available this year. I also plan to put up section B of exam 2 and exam 1 somewhere on this database, but I can’t promise it will all be there this year. I’ll definitely be making a few videos on my YouTube channel for those to subscribe and stay on the lookout!

If you would like to support this project, consider purchasing a copy of my CAS programs, linked below. This is a very time-consuming project I am working on for free which I hope will benefit students and teachers for many years to come. If you have questions or spot any errors, feel free to email me at [email protected].


CAS Programs

YouTube channel

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Methods Questions